This is a fun easy science activity to test out different reactions .
Stuff you need: Copper wire, batteries X1, Magnets, wire cutters.
- get 4 magnets, 1 battery and a decent sized piece of copper wire and a pair of wire cutters.
- . cut your wire and shape it into either a love heart, spiral or a normal arch.
- then stack up the magnets on top of each other and put the battery on top.
- .then connect the copper wire to the top of the magnets and battery and watch the magic happen!
- this science activity is fun and easy for you to follow, so you should give it a go!
When the electrons travel through the wire near the magnet’s field, they experience a special push or shove called the Lorentz force. This force acts like a tiny sideways nudge, trying to push the electrons in a specific direction.