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Tangaroa Week 1 Reflection

This year I have moved into a new classroom, which as had both, ups and downs. I have tried my hardest to sign-up for activities and different challenges, one being Adrenaline Forest which I signed up for straight as I heard about it.


In 2 weeks time we go to Spencer Park for a year 7-8 camp, I’m very excited for have Tyler and Bentley as my tent buddies, I am also very excited for Adrenaline Forest which is included extra in the camp that you can sign-up for!          I love Tangaroa so much! It has been so good that every morning I’m actually really excited for school, Unbelievable ay?


I have faced only a few challenges in my first 3 days of  Tangaroa, one being signing up for things in time before the opportunity is gone. I have also struggled leaving a few of my close friends behind back in Tane Mahuta.. I still see them daily but its gonna be weird not working and being in the same working space as them, but luckily I’ll be able to have them back next year!! I really hope that this is gonna be a year with few problems and drama.


I have so far enjoyed working in the big senior class and hope more good outcomes to come flowing in! I have a great friend group and some very nice, and kind teachers helping me through my journey in Tangaroa! I’m in Nicole’s group and she is so nice, kind and helpful to me! I’m hoping to try learn and take all the opportunity’s that this class gets!

I’m looking forward to see what next week brings!!

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