Year: 2024

Ben Heine – Pencil vs Camara

This is my Ben Heine blog post, this is a peice of art where you get any photo with colour and get a ripped piece of ripped paper and turn the rest of the image into anything you like.

I decided to do the rest of my dog and put myself sitting on top of the dog.

I also shaded the background of the rest of the papers background.

I am pretty proud of my art and hope you enjoy it as well,

If you have any advice/feedback please comment down below.

Information Animation

  This is the Animation that Me, Jackson and Tyler have made.

It was really fun but also challenging at the same time.

Why we chose to make a animation is because I want people to have a good time looking at it and also me and my group have had heaps of experience of making animations.

If you have any questions/feedback please tell me in the comments!

Using Your Webcam


This is my lunchbox that I made of the Pak’n’Save website, we had $60 challenge to make a healthy lunch.

Is there any change you think I could change?

Let me know.. What is your favourite thing to bake? Mine is making Pizza dough & Banana Bread

Beach Education Day

Beach Education Day


On Wednesday we went to North New Brighton beach to go to beach education.

It was really fun! We got to have a tour of the clubhouse and they showed us how they used the equipment such as the different types of boards, the IRB and the First Aid Kits.

Then we ate our morning tea, Then after that we did Beach Eds and got talent. Every group got a different category to act out, our group always listen to the advice from the lifeguard. 

Our group did amazing, it was very funny and it teached us how to act which was very cool! Next, our group went out to play some fun games on the beach. We played Stuck in the mud, Captain’s Coming, and also who could dig the deepest hole.

Then we ate our lunch, after that we got changed in the changing rooms.

Then we went outside to head to the beach, then they put up the flags so we knew where to swim, Then they made us get in a line along the two flags.

Then the lifeguards told us to run out into the water and give one of the lifeguards a high five, that was pretty easy. 

Then they told us to go do two dolphin dives and give her another high five. 

Then they let us in the water to go do some bodysurfing, the waves were huge!

Then we went to get changed.

After that Fi did a headcount to see if she lost anyone.. Thankfully she didn’t! 

Then we headed back to school..